Overview of Ethos User Interface

Each page of the Coplogic™ Ethos user interface is divided into three main areas.

The following table describes the three different sections.

UI Overview
Section # Name Description
1 Top Menu The top menu at the top of the window contains informational data and various icons. These icons may vary depending on the page or task. For details, see The Top Menu.
2 Left Menu The left menu provides quick access to various functions and features. For most pages, the left menu appears as in the image above. However, when you are creating or viewing a report form, the items reflected in the left menu will vary to reflect the different sections or pages in the form. For details, see The Left Menu .
3 Dashboard The Dashboard contains data and fields relating to your selected task. This section displays report queues, pages of a report form, or fields related to a feature such as managing your user settings or performing another task within Ethos. For details, see The Dashboard.
note.pngWhen you open Ethos, the Dashboard displays your default report queue. This view is known as your Dashboard.