The Left Pane

The left pane (also sometimes referred to as the navigation panel) contains menu items that help you quickly access your Dashboard or initiate various tasks such as creating a new report, searching for a report, and so on.

Depending on your agency set up and user permissions, the left pane may also contain sections for viewing/managing analytics, managing your queues, and/or performing basic administration tasks such as managing court calendar settings, form numbers, and violation codes.

Collapsing the left pane

You can collapse the left pane by clicking the minimize icon in the left side of the upper pane. This will give you a larger working space on the screen. Click the icon again to expand the left pane.

Expanding/collapsing drop-down lists

Some items in the left pane contain drop-down lists. To expand a list, click the down arrow located next to the list heading. To collapse a list, click the up arrow.

Left pane descriptions

The following table provides brief descriptions of the items in the left pane.

Item Description
Dashboard This item allows you to quickly return to your queue view.
New Reports This item allows you to create a new report.
Find a Report This item allows you to search for a report.
Advanced Search This feature is under development.
Analytics This item allows users with the appropriate permissions to set up and view data visualization graphs and charts based on submitted crash reports and citations.
Administration Allows users with appropriate permissions to perform tasks such as managing court calendar settings, form numbers, and violation codes.
note.pngAdministration is visible only to users with appropriate permissions.
Queue Management Allows users with appropriate permissions to add new report queues as well as edit various aspects of your existing queues.