Search for a User

From the User Administration page you can search for a user that you need to make edits to.

  1. Select the ellipsis at the top of the column you wish to use for search criteria.
    note.pngFor this example, we will be using the users Last Name to search for their account information.
  2. Once you have selected the ellipsis , the filter options window will open.

  3. In the filter window, leave the first drop-down field as Contains.

  4. In the Filter window, you can enter the last name of the user in the second field of the window.

  5. After entering the users last name, select the Filter button to show the users in the list with that last name.

  6. After making the needed edits to your users account, you can begin a new search by selecting the Clear button from the Filter window.

  7. You have now successfully searched for a user by last name.