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Welcome! We hope that you find this content helpful as you use Coplogic Ethos.
Product Description
Coplogic Ethos is a highly configurable platform that can be used by law enforcement agencies to meet a wide range of data collection, storage, and management needs. Although access to various modules and features is agency-specific and user-specific, Ethos provides all agencies with the ability to create and manage crash reports and citations through a single point of entry.
How to Use This Help System
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Customer Support Center
For assistance with Coplogic Ethos and affiliated modules, contact the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Customer Support Center.
Overview of Ethos User Interface
Each page of the Coplogic Ethos user interface is divided into three panes (sections).
The Upper Pane
The upper pane of the Coplogic Ethos user interface contains informational data and icons that help you quickly access various features.
The Left Pane
The left pane (also sometimes referred to as the navigation panel) contains menu items that help you quickly access your Dashboard or initiate various tasks such as creating a new report, searching for a report, and so on.
The Main Pane
The main pane of the Coplogic Ethos user interface is your workspace.
Working with Reports
Coplogic Ethos enables you to view, create, search, print, submit, edit, email, and void reports based on your user permissions and agency configuration. Some editing restrictions may apply depending on the report status and type.
About Report Queues
Your Coplogic Ethos dashboard contains lists of reports arranged in queues.
About Report Forms
Coplogic Ethos allows you to create new reports by entering data in templates that are designed to mirror your agency forms. You can also edit your existing reports, depending on the type of form and its status.
Create a New Report
Coplogic Ethos provides three methods for creating a report. Availability of these methods depends on agency configuration and user permissions.
Edit an Existing Report
Coplogic Ethos allows you to edit your existing reports.
Find a Report
You can search for existing reports using a variety of search criteria, including form name or status, incident date or location, person or vehicle information, and so on.
Perform a Records Search
THIS SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT. Coplogic Ethos allows you to locate information that has been scanned into the system from the Coplogic Ethos Mobile app or another external source. You can then pull in the relevant data to quickly populate appropriate fields in the report, like person information, DL (driver license) information, and vehicle registration information.
Print a Report
Coplogic Ethos allows you to print existing reports.
Review Report Audit Trail
You can track activity on a report or citation by viewing its audit trail.
Save a Report as a Preset Form
Coplogic Ethos allows you to specify a partially completed form as a template so it can be used as a shortcut when creating a new report.
Scan Driver License and Vehicle Registration Barcodes
THIS SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT. Coplogic Ethos includes a built-in barcode scanner that allows you to use your computer's camera to scan in data from a DL (driver license) or vehicle registration form. You can also use the barcode reader to upload a barcode image that resides on your computer. You can then pull the relevant data into a report to quickly populate fields with person and vehicle data.
Managing Your User Settings
Coplogic Ethos allows you to change various settings associated with your user profile.
Change User General Information
The General Information tab in User Settings allows you to change identifying information associated with your user account.
Change User Defaults
The User Defaults tab in User Settings allows you to specify values for fields established by your agency. For instance, your agency may use this section to associate speed measurement devices or other equipment with user accounts, define work schedules, or define other types of user-specific data.
Change e-Signature
The Signature tab in User Settings allows you to create a digital signature to use for signing reports.
Manage Officer Violation Favorites
The Default Location section in User Settings allows you to designate violations as favorites for easier access when issuing a citation. Violation favorites are displayed at the top of the violation list, eliminating the need to search through a lengthy list to find a frequently used violation.
Manage Officer Default Location
The Default Location tab in User Settings allows you to designate a city, county, or other area as your default location. That map location will then automatically be displayed when you are specifying a location on an incident form, making it easier to enter location data on the form.
Reset Your Ethos Password
Users accessing Coplogic Ethos through the standard Ethos sign in process have the ability to reset their password.
Change Layout Settings
The Layout Settings tab in User Settings allows you to personalize the appearance of Coplogic Ethos.
View Network Status
The Network Settings tab in User Settings allows you to see the status of various services used by Coplogic Ethos.
View Daily Statistics
The Daily Statistics tab in User Settings allows you to see a report listing how many forms of each type you have created on that day.
View Sync Errors
The Daily Statistics tab in User Settings allows you to see information about sync errors that occurred between your instance of the Coplogic Ethos application and your agency's Ethos platform.
View Local Database
The Local DB section in User Settings is intended to assist the Coplogic Ethos application vendor (LexisNexis Risk Solutions) in troubleshooting any issues with your instance of Ethos.
Working with Analytics
There are three basic steps for setting up a analytics dashboards.
Managing Court Calendar Settings
Users with the appropriate permissions can specify how Coplogic Ethos determines available court dates.
Managing Data Hub Settings
The Data Hub feature allows users with the appropriate permissions to export report data out of Coplogic Ethos.
Managing Form Numbers
Users with the appropriate permissions can manage how forms are numbered. You can add each form number individually or load them from a spreadsheet.
Managing Users
Users with the appropriate permissions can add new users, edit user names and contact info, reset the user's password, change user settings such as roles and permissions, and disable/enable the user's system access.
Managing Violation Codes
Users with the appropriate permissions can create, edit, and delete violation codes used by the agency for incident reports and citations.